Support to the implementation of the community statistical programme in the field of national accounts, price and social statistics
The objective is to provide technical assistance on methodology, operations and organization aspects in the various statistical fields of the project. Methodological expertise is provided for data collection (administrative data sources and survey), data processing and analysis (SAS, R, STATA), preparation of statistical publications, as well as, organisation of workshops and national account training. The following fields are covered:
- Price statistics;
- Improving the quality of the HICP;
- Ongoing work on development of suitable methodologies for the compilation of housing price indexes;
- The extension of the coverage of the services producer price index;
- System of environmental and economic accounts (SEEA);
- Development of environmental transfers;
- Estimation of national statistics related to the environmental protection expenses;
- European System of Accounts (ESA);
- Analysis of sectoral institutional accounts;
- Finalization of the procedure for calculating the final consumption expenditure of households and integration of the revised version of COICOP;
- Improvement of National Account compilation procedures (SAS development);
- Improving sources and methods for balance of payments statistics;
- Social statistics: support to the implementation and data analysis of 3 European surveys;
- Income and living conditions survey (EU-SILC);
- Victimization survey;
- House hold budget survey;
- Time use survey;
- Tourism statistics.